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File Transfer Petition in Supreme Court-caveat petition

File Transfer Petition in Supreme Court

File Transfer Petition for free in Supreme Court.

File Transfer Petition in Supreme Court. The Supreme Court of India transfer petitions must be filed through a regular legal procedure. An outline of the steps involved is provided below:

Process of Drafting:
Creating the Petition: Drafting the transfer petition is the initial stage. The grounds for your request to have the matter transferred to the Supreme Court should be made explicit in the petition. To make sure the petition satisfies all legal criteria and is formatted correctly, you might choose to enlist legal counsel.

Getting the papers Ready:

After the petition is written, you must get the required papers ready. This usually contains several copies of the petition and any affidavits or supporting documentation.

Petition Filing:
The petition must now be submitted to the Supreme Court. To file the petition, you must go to the Supreme Court registry and turn in the necessary number of copies and filing fee. For your records, make sure you retain a copy of the petition that was filed.


A hearing on the petition will be arranged by the court. You will be given the chance to make your case for the transfer during the hearing. The other parties to the case may also present arguments to the court.

Service of Notice:
After the petition is filed, it will be listed before the Court for hearing. You may need to serve notice of the petition to all the parties involved in the case, depending on the specific requirements of the Supreme Court rules.

Opposite Party will be notified and if he or chooses may appear in  court through a counsel or other in person, It is important that one contests a family dispute case as there are chances of mediation happening and the matter being resolved in Supreme Court itself

File your Transfer Petition for free in Supreme Court in transfer of divorce cases

If you wish to file your transfer petition for free you may contact at 987 362 8941.

Also visit our contact us page here

Conclusion for File Transfer Petition in Supreme Court

In divorce cases it is always better to contest the case as the matter can be resolved amicably in the mediation center in Supreme Court which is in itself a very big opportunity.



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